tailieunhanh - Adobe Flash chuyên nghiệp - p 8

5 Copy and paste the group to create multiple bubbles just over the coffee cup. Use the Transform tool to scale the bubbles to different sizes. Using the Deco tool Decorated Brush Now you’ll explore the Deco tool’s Decorated Brush, which creates decorated borders and complex line patterns. 1 In the toolbar, select the Deco tool ( ). 2 In the Properties inspector, choose the Decorated Brush option. 3 In the Advanced Options, select Dashed Line. Choose a dark brown color for the Pattern color and leave Pattern size and Pattern width at their default values. adobe fLash professionaL Cs5 CLassroom in a book 61 Download from Library. | 5 Copy and paste the group to create multiple bubbles just over the coffee cup. Use the Transform tool to scale the bubbles to different sizes. Using the Deco tool Decorated Brush Now you ll explore the Deco tool s Decorated Brush which creates decorated borders and complex line patterns. 1 In the toolbar select the Deco tool . 2 In the Properties inspector choose the Decorated Brush option. 3 In the Advanced Options select Dashed Line. Choose a dark brown color for the Pattern color and leave Pattern size and Pattern width at their default values. ADOBE FLASH PROFESSIONAL CS5 CLASSROOM IN A BOOK 61 Download from Library of Wow ebook Note The Line and Pencil tools can also create dashed lines and different line patterns but they can t make repeated complex patterns like the Deco tool can. In the Properties inspector click the Edit Stroke Style button to customize the stroke for dashed lines. 4 On the Stage draw several curvy lines above the coffee cup. The Decorated Brush creates dashed lines giving your coffee cup a little more life Using the Deco tool Flower Brush Now you ll create flower patterns to decorate the borders of the banner ad. 1 In the toolbar select the Deco tool Th . 2 In the Properties inspector choose the Flower Brush option. 3 In the Advanced Options select Garden flower. Select the Branch option and leave the colors and sizes at their default values. 62 LESSON 2 Working with Graphics Download from Library of Wow ebook 4 Draw a swooping branch of flowers across the lower portion of the Stage. The flowers leaves fruits and branches are generated repeatedly as you move your brush over the Stage. 5 Select all the flowers leaves fruits and branches. Choose Modify Group. The flower decorations are combined into a single group so you can move or modify them as a unit. Creating Curves You ve used the Selection tool to pull and push on the edges of shapes to intuitively make curves. For more precise control you can use the Pen tool 4 . Using the Pen tool