Những phản ứng này làm tăng mật độ liên kết ngang của mạng lưới được tạo thành. . Phản ứng thay thế nguyên tử Silicon Chỉ có một phần nhỏ của polysiloxanes công nghiệp sản xuất thu được bằng cách trùng hợp chuỗ. Được tổng hợp bởi nước do thủy phân | DEGRADATION REACTIONS OF POLYMERS 371 If Ch represents the chromophoric group the following reactions can occur where the exponents 1 2 and 3 denote the singlet doublet and triplet states and the asterisk denote an excited state. 1Ch hv 1Ch 1Ch hv 1Ch 1Ch hv 2Ch e 1Ch 1Ch energy 1Ch 3Ch energy 1Ch 1Ch energy 1Ch 1Ch hv 3Ch 1Ch hv Equations and correspond to the absorption photons by the chromophore to its photoionisation and to the emission of a non-radiative energy and finally and to a radiative emission. In the case of ethylene carbon monoxide copolymer the degradation occurs generally with the triplet state which exhibits the maximum lifetime and corresponds to a free-radical carried by the carbonyl group. This radical evolves to give either an a-scission O with all the subsequent reactions that implies or a P-scission OH . As for any organic molecule the sensitivity to thermal degradation of a polymer is in close relationship with the energy of its bonds. Polymers are however less stable thermally than its homologous simple molecule. This is due to the disordered motion of the chains above the glass transition temperature and the energy associated with it which can be concentrated on a particular bond of the macromolecular backbone. 372 REACTIVITY AND CHEMICAL MODIFICATION OF POLYMERS This additional energy supply applies only to monomer units that are sufficiently far away from chain ends and does not affect significantly the degradation of side groups. The latter can however cause the degradation of the main chain when the bond linking the main chain to its substituents is weak the process then corresponds to a chain reaction. Hydrocarbon chains can also undergo a homolytic rupture of their carboncarbon bonds that are particularly weakened by head-to-head sterically hindered irregular sequences Two situations can occur depending upon the temperature applied with respect to the polymer .