Với các tập đoàn, như với một số hiệp hội, bất kỳ mạng tin tưởng là rất đơn giản, hệ thống hóa thành yêu cầu chính thức trở thành thành viên. Bảo hiểm tình trạng đáng tin cậy trên cơ sở từng trường bycase trên ứng dụng là không thực sự thực hiện | The Next Steps 283 and assess relative trust for one another in different situations well proven over a long time. It would be remiss not to try and emulate some of this functionality. With corporations as with some associations any trust network is highly simplified codified into a formal membership requirement. Insuring trustworthy status on a case-by-case basis on application is not really done although proven extreme transgressors may after the fact be excluded. Another trust mechanism is a contractual agreement ultimately relying on external legal systems. It is easy to see how this simplified caricature of trust evolved into the commercial CA system. Where Are We Now After the vision and all the critique you might be wondering where the reality lies. You are not alone in that because the view is somewhat fragmentary here and now at ground level. The accepted Web standards category has advanced to include XML RDF RDF-S and OWL. Next in turn appear to be rules query and crypto specifications. The reasoning and dependencies behind developing these recommendations in-all-but-name standards is discussed in previous chapters. A major motivation for their adoption has become the new royalty-free policy that ensures safe implementation and easy acceptance. Starting at the higher level OWL adds the ability to indicate when two classes or properties are identical which provides a mechanism for linking together information in different structures or schemas . It also enables declarations to provide additional information so that RDF-structured data can be subjected to automated rule-checking and theoremproving. OWL is still a work in progress albeit now a W3C recommendation specification. Fortunately the OWL-level of representation is not required for many practical applications. The lower level of RDF schema longer established is gradually becoming more important because of the flexible way URI referencing in the models can be made to use extensible models. RDF on the