tailieunhanh - Access: Acid-Base, Fluids, and Electrolytes - part 2
Bảng 2-14: Định nghĩa của Phù Phù là sự tích tụ của chất lỏng dư thừa kẽ mở rộng của không gian kẽ 3-5 kết quả L trong hoặc Phù phù địa phương (chấn thương mạch máu hoặc bạch huyết) hoặc tổng quát (suy tim sung huyết) là một thụt đầu dòng hoặc "rỗ "mà kết quả sau khi áp dụng áp lực kỹ thuật số | DISORDERS OF Na BALANCE 35 DISORDERS ASSOCIATED WITH INCREASED TOTAL BODY Na ECF VOLUME EXPANSION Hypervolemic states increased ECF volume are associated with increased total body Na and edema that occurs with or without hypertension. TABLE 2-14 Definition of Edema Edema is the accumulation of excess interstitial fluid Expansion of the interstitial space by 3-5 L results in either localized vascular or lymphatic injury or generalized congestive heart failure edema Edema is an indentation or pitting that results after applying digital pressure on the skin of the lower extremity or sacrum 36 DISORDERS OF Na BALANCE TABLE 2-15 Pathophysiology of Edema Formation Increased formation Increased capillary hydrostatic pressure Venous lymphatic obstruction Congestive heart failure Cirrhosis of the liver Increased capillary permeability Decreased removal Decreased plasma colloid osmotic pressure Nephrotic syndrome Malabsorption Cirrhosis of the liver Impaired lymphatic outflow Ill-defined mechanisms Idiopathic cyclic edema Pregnancy Hypothyroidism Renal retention of excess salt and water maintains edema DISORDERS OF Na BALANCE 37 TABLE 2-16 Pathophysiology of ECF Volume Expansion States Hypertension present edema present Kidney disease Hypertension present edema absent Mineralocorticoid excess Primary aldosteronism Renal artery stenosis Renin-producing tumors Glucocorticoids binding to the mineralocorticoid receptor Cushing s disease Licorice ingestion Apparent mineralocorticoid excess Genetic diseases associated with increased distal nephron Na reabsorption Liddle s syndrome Pseudohypoaldosteronism type II Gordon s syndrome Hypertension absent edema present Decreased cardiac output Congestive heart failure Constrictive pericarditis Pulmonary hypertension continued
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