tailieunhanh - Apple iphone 100 need to know time savers phần 6

Trong cuộc tìm kiếm để bán iPhone hơn và nhiều hơn nữa cho công chúng, Apple Inc đã nhìn thấy nó rằng nó đã di chuyển công khai hiệu quả, rất có thể ảnh hưởng đến nhận thức của công chúng mua của sản phẩm. Có không có nghi ngờ tại công khai tất cả những gì là quan trọng trong bán hàng hiệu quả | 121 Commercial iPhone The Launch Commercial s Lack of Time In the quest to sell more and more iPhones to the public Apple Inc. has seen to it that it has effective publicity moves that can greatly affect the buying public s perception of the product. There is no doubt at all that publicity is important in the effective selling and success of any product. In terms of viability the iPhone is already a great item or product to have handy inside one s pocket but its price leaves it less to be desired. It is therefore important and wise to have a publicity bliss for the product which was what Apple Inc. did. In preparing the people s perception to the product and presenting it as a whole new and revolutionary yet innovative product that no current technological gadget can rival the Company was able to prepare the public to face and not be at awe with the product s price. And the publicity and launch commercials were too good that the public were not only impressed with the product but also felt that the commercials were too short and unclear to in terms of being able to fully present the iPhones. There was also the perception that the commercials ought to have focused more on the presentation of the product itself and not on other things. And so in other matters concerning the commercials about iPhones many people have remarked that these launch commercials have been too time-compressed to satisfy the demands of the people for more information about iPhone. Also critics of the 122 commercials are lamenting the absence of many and direly important information in the launch commercials. 123 So How Much does an iPhone Cost Now If you were one of the first people to get in line when the iPhone was first released in Apple stores in June you may just be a tad bit disappointed to see the price drop to almost 200. The initial cost of the iPhone when it was launched in June 2007 was 599. Now you can get this nifty mobile device for as low as 399. However it is good news for .