tailieunhanh - beginning excel what if data analysis tool phần 9

Các 'địa chỉ ô, tên của họ nếu những người được chỉ định, các tế bào, hạn chế giá trị, những hạn chế, công thức, những hạn chế, trạng thái (đóng, có nghĩa là một giá trị slackTrả về thứ hạng của một giá trị trong một tập dữ liệu như là một tỷ lệ phần trăm của tập dữ liệu. | APPENDIX A Excel What-If Tools Quick Start This appendix provides a brief introduction to the Excel what-if data analysis tools Goal Seek data tables scenarios and Solver. Each introduction is accompanied by a simple example. Using Goal Seek Goal Seek is a simple easy-to-use timesaving tool that enables you to calculate a formula s input value when you want to work backwards from the formula s answer. You use Goal Seek when you want to find a specific value for a single worksheet cell by adjusting the value of one other worksheet cell. When you know the desired result of a single formula but not the input value the formula needs to determine the result Goal Seek is a good tool to use. Goal Seek Procedure To use Goal Seek in Excel follow these steps 1. Click Tools Goal Seek. 2. In the Set Cell box click or type the reference to the single worksheet cell that contains the formula for which you want to find a specific result. 3. In the To Value box type the result that you want to find. 4. In the By Changing Value box click or type the reference to single worksheet cell that contains the value you want to change. This cell must be referenced by the formula in the cell referenced in the Set Cell box. 5. Click OK. Goal Seek Example Given the sample data in Figure A-1 use Goal Seek to calculate the number of ounces in three liters. Figure A-1. Goal Seek sample data 131 132 APPENDIX A EXCEL WHAT-IF TOOLS QUICK START 1. Click Tools Goal Seek. 2. Click the Set Cell box and then click cell B3. 3. Click the To Value box and then type 3. 4. Click the By Changing Cell box and then click cell B1. 5. Click OK. Answer There are ounces in three liters. Using Data Tables Data tables are a handy way to display the results of multiple-formula calculations in an at-a-glance lookup format. A data table is a collection of cells that displays how changing values in worksheet formulas affects the results of those formulas. Data tables provide a convenient way to calculate display .