tailieunhanh - Pakistan-European Community: Country Strategy Paper for 2007-2013

Given the nature of such strategic decisions, the question of what is the relevant time frame over which economic value is created or destroyed becomes salient. A short-term focus on creating value exclusively for shareholders may result in the loss of value over the longer term through a failure to make the necessary investments in process and product quality and safety. Such a short-term approach to decision-making often implies both an inter-temporal loss of profit and a negative externality being imposed on stakeholders. That is, managers take decisions that increase. | Pakistan-European Community Country Strategy Paper for 2007-2013 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS List of 1. EXECUTIVE 2. THE POLITICAL ECONOMIC SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL SITUATION. 6 Analysis of the political Analysis of the economic situation including Analysis of social Analysis of the Environmental 3. AN OUTLINE OF PAKISTAN S POLICY Poverty Alleviation and Economy and Social Sector Environmental 4. AN OVERVIEW OF PAST AND ONGOING EC CO-OPERATION COORDINATION AND COHERENCE. 13 Past and ongoing EC Donor coordination and harmonization . 14 Coherence and Policy 5. THE EC RESPONSE STRATEGY INTERVENTION SECTORS .16 Lessons Learned and Response Focal Focal Area 1 Rural Development and Natural resources Management in NWFP and Baluchistan. 20 Focal Area 2 Education and Human Resources Non-focal Intervention Trade development and economic Democratisation and Human Support to Non-State Actors and Thematic Budget Counter-terrorism and Indicative Timetable for Implementation ANNEX 1 EU EC CO-OPERATION ANNEX 2 Country at a ANNEX 3 Overview past EC cooperation with Pakistan 2000 -2006 . 31 ANNEX 4 Donor Matrix For Pakistan. 32 ANNEX 5 Country Environmental ANNEX 6 Millennium Development Goals - Targets and Achievements. 34 2 List of Acronyms ADB Asian Development Bank ALA Asia and Latin America AKF Aga Khan Foundation ASEAN Association of South-East Asia Nations CSP Country Strategy Paper DIPECHO Disaster Preparedness ECHO ECHO European Community Humanitarian Office EPA Environmental Protection Agency ESR Education Sector Reforms EU EOM EU Election Observation Mission FATA Federally Administered Tribal Areas GDP Gross .