tailieunhanh - Analysis of Survey Data phần 9

Phân tích sự kiện lịch sử như được thảo luận ở đây giao dịch với các sự kiện xảy ra trong suốt vòng đời của các cá nhân trong một số dân số. Ví dụ, nó có thể được sử dụng để kiểm tra trình độ học vấn, việc làm, nhập cảnh, kết hôn, cha mẹ, và các vấn đề khác. | ITEM NONRESPONSE 299 and prior are reasonable. Another useful feature of MI is that the completedata analysis does not necessarily need to be based on the model used to impute the missing values. In particular the complete-data analysis might consist in computing estimates and standard errors using more conventional designbased methods in which case the potential effects of model misspecification are confined to the imputation of the missing values. For more discussion of the properties of MI under model misspecification see for example Rubin 1996 Fay 1996 Rao 1996 and the associated discussions. An important feature of MI is that draws of the missing values are imputed rather than means. Means would be preferable if the objective was to obtain the best estimates of the missing values but have drawbacks when the objective is to make inferences about parameters. Imputation of draws entails some loss of efficiency for point estimation but the averaging over the K multiply-imputed datasets in considerably reduces this loss. The gain from imputing draws is that it yields valid inferences for a wide range of estimands including nonlinear functions such as percentiles and variances Little 1988 . The difficulty in implementing MI is in obtaining draws from the posterior distribution of ymis given Zu yobs and rs which typically has an intractable form. Since draws from the posterior distribution of ymis given zu yobs rs and 0 are often easy to implement a simpler scheme is to draw from the posterior distribution of ymis given zu yobs rs and 0 where 0 is an easily computed estimate of 0 such as that obtained from the complete cases. This approach ignores uncertainty in estimating 0 and is termed improper in Rubin 1987 . It yields acceptable approximations when the fraction of missing data is modest but leads to overstatement of precision with large amounts of missing data. In the latter situations one option is to draw 0 q from its asymptotic distribution and then .