It is a great honor and pleasure for me to share with you this information on the Bach Flower Essences. I was first introduced to the Bach Flowers in 1987. It's hard to believe that almost ten years have passed When I first began my education and training in this extraordinary self-help system that Dr. Bach developed, little did I know then that I'd be bringing his work to so many others. | C THE CROSSING PRESS POCKET SERIES 0 POCKET GUIDE TO B. CH FLOWER ESSENCES n RACHELLE HASNAS POCKET GU0DE TO BACH FLOWERS ESSENCES RACHELLE HASNAS Certified Bãch Flower Therapist BerheleH Toronto Disclaimer The nuưitionai information recipes and instructions contained within this book are in no way intended as a substitute for medical counseling. Please do not attempt self-treatment of a medical problem without consulting a qualified health practitioner. The author and publisher expressly disclaim any and all liability for any claims damages losses judgments expenses costs or injuries resulting from any products offered in this book by participating companies and their employees or agents. Nor does the inclusion of any resource group or company listed within this book constitute an endorsement or guarantee of quality by the author or publisher. copyright 1997 by Rachellg Hasnas All rights reserved. No part of this book may he reproduced in any form except brief excerpts for the purpose of review without written permission of the publisher c ossing Press an imprint of Ten speed Press . Box 7123 Berkeley California 94707 ISBN-13 978-0-89594-865-6 ISBN-10 0-89594-865-6 Cover illustration and design by Tara M. Eoff Printed in the 4 s 6 7 8-10 09 08 07 .