tailieunhanh - .0-......A PRACTICAL MANUALby KathyTh1*L.Kainwith Jim BernsNorth Atlantic Books
.0- A PRACTICAL MANUAL by Kathy Th1 *L. Kain with Jim Berns North Atlantic Books Berkeley, California .Acknowledgements We would like ro thank all of our teachers and students who ha\'c accompanied us on our exploration of Ortho-B'onomy. In panicular, we wam to dunk Arthur Lincoln Pauls, Founder of Ortha-Bionomy for sharing his vision with us. Many thanks to all of you who proofread, offered suggestions., corrt~rcd our errors and held our hands. Special thanks to Vicki Pearson-Rounds and Carolyn B!!ck Reynolds for Icuing the heart of Ortho-Bionomy express i!Se1f in rOUt photos and drawings. Moods; Leslie Baa, h'Y Kohler, Angela Ramos, Bill Rounds Figure I'hotography: Vicki Pearson-Rounds ~ Ortha-Bionomy, A. | Oliho-blijfwnw A PRACTICAL MANUAL by Kathy L. Kain with Jim Berns North Atlantic Books Berkeley California Acknowledgemen ts We would like to thank all of our teachers and students who have accompanied US on our exploration of Ortho-Bionomy. In particular we want to thank Arthur Lincoln Pauls Founder of Ortho-Bionomy for sharing his vision with US. Many thanks to all of you who proofread offered suggestions corrected our errors and held our hands. Special thanks to Vicki Pearson- Rounds and Carolyn Buck Reynolds for letting the heart of Ortho-Bionomy express itself in your photos and drawings. Models Leslie Batz Ivy Kohler Angela Ramos Bill Rounds Figure Photography Vicki Pearson-Rounds The information in this book is not a substitute for appropriate medical care. If the client has any injury illness or other condition that may need medical attention that care should be sought prior to use of any of the techniques in this book. The authors take no responsibility for the misuse of any of the techniques presented here. If you think this work is valuable enough to pass on to a friend please support it by asking them to purchase a book rather than making a copy of this one. Thank you. The Sand Dollar design Society of Ortho-Bionomy International and Ortho-Bionomy are used by permission of the Society of Ortho-Bionomy International Inc. The Sand Dollar design is a registered trademark of the Society of Ortho-Bionomy International Inc. and cannot be used without written permission from the Society of Ortho-Bionomy International Inc. Society of Ortho-Bionomy International is a registered collective membership trademark of the Society of Ortho-Bionomy International Inc. and is used by the Society to indicate that a person using the mark is a member of the Society of Ortho-Bionomy International Inc. and cannot be used without written permission from the Society of Ortho-Bionomy International Inc. Ortho-Bionomy is a trademark of the Society of Ortho-Bionomy International .
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