This dossier is addressed to readers who want to learn more about the global role of copyright and, in particular, its largely negative role in the global South. In the 190 or so pages of text that follow, we in the Copy/South Research Group, who have researched and debated these issues over the past 12 month, have tried to critically analyse and assess a wide range of copyright-related issues that impact on the daily lives (and future lives) of those who live in the global South. | THE COPY SOUTH DOSSIER Issues in the economics politics and ideology of copyright in the global South Edited by Alan Story Colin Darch and Debora Halbert Researched and published by The Copy South Research Group May 2006 Published by the Copy South Research Group Website http E-mail address contact@ ISBN 978-0-9553140-0-1 downloadable online edition 978-0-9553140-1-8 printed edition Not restricted by copyright CONTENTS SOME INITIAL SECTION 1 - THE GLOBAL INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY SYSTEM IS PRIVATISING HUMANITY S COMMON CULTURAL HERITAGE. 11 How privatisation and monopolisation discourage creativity and Why this tendency is against the interests of creators and society in Monopoly ownership and its consequences for artistic Average artists and conglomerates cannot benefit from the same copyright system. 23 SECTION 2 - THE ECONoMiCS of global CoPyRIGHT the NeT capital FLOW FROM THE GLOBAL PERIPHERY TO THE CENTRE. 29 Calculating copyright-related capital flows from the global periphery to the centre . 31 From TRIPS to TRAP Free Trade Agreements and Reprographic collecting societies and their projected growth in the How much of this capital flow is related to copyright .46 How national treatment increases the net outflow of capital from the SECTION 3 - PRIVATISING THE PUBLIC DoMaIN And iMpOSING WESTERN NORTHERN ASSUMPTIONS ABOUT CULTURAL The basic values and ideology of The differing traditions of cultural creation in the Culture and creativity in the Arab Traditional indigenous knowledge and copyright a complex The criminalisation of copying in the South and the piracy The privatisation of common culture proceeds in the South at a quickening Western .