tailieunhanh - Stretching anderson bob

The book Stretching was first published in 1975 when fitness awareness was in its infancy. Stretching has since sold over two million copies in the USA and has been published in 24 foreign editions worldwide. Now after twenty-one years and with many other books on the market, it has become the most widely-used and recommended book on stretching and its popularity continues to grow each year. | Contents Getting started .7 Introduction .9 Who Should When to Stretch .10 Why Stretch .11 How to Stretch .12 Warming Up and Cooling Down .14 Getting The Stretches .23 Stretching Relaxing Stretches for Your Back .26 Stretches for the U gs Feet and Ankles . 34 Stretches for the Back. Shoulders and Arms .42 A Series of Stretches for the Stretches for the Lower Back Hips. Groin and Hamstrings .54 Stretches for the Back. Hips and Elevating Your Feet .68 Standing Stretches for the Logs and Hips . 71 Standing Stretches for the Upper Body . 79 Stretching on a Chin-up Stretches for the upper Body Using a A Scries of Stretches for the Hands Wrists and Forearms .88 Sitting Advanced Stretches for the Legs and Groin with Feet Elevated .94 Stretching the Groin and Hips with Legs Apart .97 Learning the Stretching Routines Everyday In the Before Everyday Stretches .108 Hands. Arms and Neck. Shoulders and Arms .Ill Legs. Groin and Lower Back Computer and Desk Spontaneous Stretches . .115 Blue-Collar Stretches .116 After Sitting .118 Stretches for Thoew over Stretches for Kid .122 While Watching Traveler a Airplane Stretches .127 Stretching Routines Sports and Aerobic Badminton .132 Baseball Softball .134 Basket Equestrian Figure Skating .144 Ice Inline Martial Art .160 Motocross .162 Mountain Racquetball. Handball and Squash .166 Rock Skiing Skiing Downhill .176 Soccer .180 Table Tennis .186 Tennis .188 Triathlon .190 Weight Training .19-1 Windsurfing .196 To Teachers and