tailieunhanh - The Four Project Management Processes of Leadership and Management

Garbage in equals garbage out. If you do not start a project with the correct goal(s), it is not likely you will accomplish the goal(s). This must be a team activity to ensure that everyone is given the opportunity to contribute and "buy-in" to what is going to happen. At the end of this stage, every team member should have an understanding of what must be accomplished. This part of the project should end with a document that lists the goals with a short statement providing some detail. The statement should include a definition of success. This is a. | Project Management and Leadership Equal Partners for Project Success 2004 by Ruffin Veal III PMP Part I The Four Project Management Processes of Leadership and Management Leaders are people oriented whereas managers are task oriented. Leaders inspire whereas managers organize. The Realities of Management A view from the Trenches Royce L. Callaway Abstract We as project management professionals are all aware of the management aspects of our profession. These include the tasks processes and sequences of steps that we all know by heart. But client feedback and our own self evaluations or lessons learned tell us that we should be addressing an often neglected thou equally important demand of our profession. That demand is Leadership. Why the sudden emphasis on project managers as leaders Why isn t management enough Well let s look at project management in today s world. I believe we can all agree that the profession of Project Management is continuing to increase in complexity. We regularly are called upon to supervise projects that are global in nature. They involve different cultures nations and industries. These increasingly complex projects require budgets totaling millions of dollars. So it seems as the world continues to get smaller projects will continue to get larger. Our inventory of skills needs to increase as well. One skill that has always been overshadowed by our emphasis on management is Leadership. Oh sure we all say we practice both and some of us even say that we are good at both. But are we really as good as we may think Let s compare the two and find out while we evaluate ourselves in the process. Leadership vs. Management What are the primary objectives of Management and Leadership Simply put Management is charged with Producing and maintaining a degree of Predictability Order. Leadership on the other hand is charged with Producing Change. Let s examine what s necessary to accomplish these objectives. 2004 Ruffin Veal asapm exclusive .