tailieunhanh - Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation Techniques and Clinical Implementation - part 5

Mở Freehand kẽ kỹ thuật Catheter Insertion tự do mở phụ thuộc vào các kỹ năng của các brachytherapist để chèn các ống thông tiểu hay kim trong một mảng mà cả hai bao gồm các mục tiêu khối lượng | 9. Brachytherapy Techniques the University of Wisconsin Arizona Approach 111 Brachytherapy Techniques Open Freehand Interstitial Catheter Insertion Open freehand technique depends upon the skill of the brachytherapist to insert catheters orneedlesin anarraythat both covers thetarget volume and provides a spacing that iasl I insult o homogeneout dose was the origimdmathodoHsrer-i brcthyther apo a p edby Geoffaey Ktvha sih En avd ic the tdo Os assliehrigmolbreait conaandotionrhercpyi Koynas 1ppo oas HeUmaafrom lheJoihtCcdlne feoRadio-thneapymtlie patd aahos anti rusty 1980sar i-ibisonl hndrm self m tlia nH 1opns as the firet modem day ha 111 S Iohn t As she timr ha o lump eatomy ca reexcision the radiation oncologist goes to the operating soomwhh tae stirhaon. Wish aha -km m cisbnnopcn the nvleeo cg sho tvrgiaa1 exahiop cas bh detsrnnnorl Sp proHa hectvitywith anmdrx dnger. p sstidemcgic marinas vrlineotsl the i hasoothe easily entotna skin tusfare .AimglO1 Aulds or parity triha plaaoáhiplaas it alien b Vt l l .by maritmg thop ohnehacggserat ryvan oxit shcs on die1 km sPìí s. 1 Fig. Two-plane interstitial implant as per-formedon the Ihiao 90s ì a phase II lair I. Wish thn wound nperi ths ednes of the himpectomh cab-ity dpemarkoV b she ilnei. Decs anh siipseWclul planesaneolactd pvsteslbrand anlasior tn scp oav-ity 60 6 1 2 cmnsvondshe onvisy in eh dimen-siono. pn lpo leidnlid H t ici i l r ol ilw radisoi tivr sdbsceSti wspei Omo hb 1 cm íheios dee skintotaoka nn both sidhs in ca pS atStowoVh n SHpOnmed wVops shd pnistíontspan she tarsth volume lappi A single-plane implant is indicated if the thickness of the tissue to be covered is cm or lesg IMslypicoh0 is rho oshofe- veoy medis0 Itsions nesp tils p arastema ro asttis-sue o rin vThys lsilbreasis sn maugmeaaedtaoatts lhhes s Ab It ss opprojmaSero dattya a singie-hhnae nsihvnt fur one side ol lbr iatgel volume andbrosdcn is m e Y patteop where .