tailieunhanh - Essentials of child psychopathology - part 9
Các bác sĩ phẫu thuật nói chung của báo cáo cho thấy rằng, so với người da trắng, dân tộc thiểu số • có truy cập ít hơn và sẵn có của dịch vụ; • ít có khả năng nhận các dịch vụ; • nhận được kém hơn chất lượng chăm sóc, và • có đại diện trong nghiên cứu sức khỏe tâm thần | CHILDREN OF DIVERSE CULTURES 245 1999 . Results revealed that approxi .DON . The surgeon general s report reveals that compared to Whites minorities have less access and availability of services are less likely to receive services receive poorer quality of care and have less representation in mental health research. CAUTION Although prevalence rates for mental health disorders may be similar for Whites and minorities the outcomes are not. Minorities experience the greater burden of having a disorder in the aftermath of poor quality of care. Disproportionate numbers of minorities do not recover from mental illness and experience continued downturn in economic disadvantage. Mental Health Culture Race and Ethnicity A Supplement to Mental Health A Report of the Surgeon General This report USDHSS 2001 is a supplement to the surgeon general s Report on mental health USDHSS mately 21 of adults and children in the United States suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder. However while prevalence rates for Whites are similar to those for racial and ethnic minorities based on data from those living in the community excludes those incarcerated institutionalized or homeless significant disparities exist in the services provided for those in need. The report suggests that in addition to barriers faced due to low income minorities also face barriers to service due to mistrust fear of racism and discrimination and barriers in communication. Furthermore lack of trust and problems with communication can significantly undermine the patient-clinician relationship and nullify any possible therapeutic benefit. THE IMPACT OF CULTURE ON CHILD PSYCHOPATHOLOGY Adult Perceptions of Mental Illness and Behavior Problems Reluctance of parents to accept a mental health explanation for their child s behavior may be based on unique cultural explanations physical or spiritual cause and or fears that labeling may result in further discrimination based on ethnicity and race Walker 2002 . As a
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