tailieunhanh - Essentials of child psychopathology - part 6

Phương pháp điều trị theo kinh nghiệm hỗ trợ cho các rối loạn hành vi Phá hoại Một trong những vấn đề trong việc tìm kiếm các phương pháp điều trị dựa trên bằng chứng cụ thể cho ODD CD hoặc có được nhiều phát hiện được nhóm lại theo thể loại rộng của các rối loạn hành vi Phá hoại. | PROBLEMS OF CONDUCT 149 Treatment Empirically Supported Treatments for Disruptive Behavior Disorders One of the problems in finding evidence-based treatments specifically for ODD or CD has been that many findings are grouped under the broad category of Disruptive Behavior Disorders. Brestan and Eyberg 1998 reviewed and evaluated 82 studies involving more than 5 000 youth with Disruptive Behavior Disorders ODD and or CD according to criteria established by the APA Task Force of the American Psychiatric Association 1995 on evidence-based treatments. The authors found that the majority of programs reviewed were based on cognitive behavioral methods with or without a parent component. The authors found two parent training programs that met the higher criteria a parent training program developed to reduce behavior problems in young children Webster-Stratton 1984 and a behavioral parent training program based on a manual called Living with Children New Methods for Parents and Teachers produced by Patterson and Gullion 1968 . The manual provides lesson plans for parents directed toward improving skills in areas of prioritizing and targeting behaviors for intervention and developing reinforcement programs to reduce unwanted and increase desirable behaviors. Brestan and Eyberg 1998 highlighted two programs as probably efficacious a children s problem-solving skills program Kazdin Esveldt-Dawson French Unis 1987 and a program targeting anger control Lochman Burch Curry Lampton 1984 . Both programs focus on skill training over a relatively large number of sessions. The Problem-Solving Skills-Training PSST Kazdin 1996 program is a 20-session program developed to teach children how to solve problems in a highly predictable and logical manner. The Coping Power Larson Lochman 2002 program is a 33-session program developed to promote anger control. Specific Interventions for Oppositional Defiant Disorder Intervention programs for ODD have met with difficulties due to the highly .