tailieunhanh - Adaptive Control Design and Analysis

A systematic and unified presentation of the fundamentals of adaptive control theory in both continuous time and discrete time Today, adaptive control theory has grown to be a rigorous and mature discipline. As the advantages of adaptive systems for developing advanced applications grow apparent, adaptive control is becoming more popular in many fields of engineering and science. Using a simple, balanced, and harmonious style, this book provides a convenient introduction to the subject and improves one's understanding of adaptive control theory | Adaptive Control Design and Analysis Adaptive and Learning Systems for Signal Processing Communications and Control Editor Simon Haykin Beckerman ADAPTIVE COOPERATIVE SYSTEMS Chen and Gu CONTROL-ORIENTED SYSTEM IDENTIFICATION An Xo Approach Cherkassky and Muller LEARNING FROM DATA Concepts Theory and Methods Diamantaras and Kung PRINCIPAL COMPONENT NEURAL NETWORKS Theory and Applications Haykin UNSUPERVISED ADAPTIVE FILTERING Blind Source Separation Haykin UNSUPERVISED ADAPTIVE FILTERING Blind Deconvolution Haykin and Puthussarypady CHAOTIC DYNAMICS OF SEA CLUTTER Hrycej NEUROCONTROL Towards an Industrial Control Methodology Hyvârinen Karhunen and Oja INDEPENDENT COMPONENT ANALYSIS Kristie Kanellakopoulos and Kokotovic NONLINEAR AND ADAPTIVE CONTROL DESIGN Mann INTELLIGENT IMAGE PROCESSING Niklas and Shao SIGNAL PROCESSING WITH ALPHA-STABLE DISTRIBUTIONS AND APPLICATIONS Passino and Burgess STABILITY ANALYSIS OF DISCRETE EVENT SYSTEMS Sanchez-Pena and Sznaier ROBUST SYSTEMS THEORY AND APPLICATIONS Sandberg Lo Fancourt Principe Katagiri and Haykin NONLINEAR DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS Feedforward Neural Network Perspectives Spooner Maggiore Ordonez and Passino STABLE ADAPTIVE CONTROL AND ESTIMATION FOR NONLINEAR SYSTEMS Neural and Fuzzy Approximator Techniques Tao ADAPTIVE CONTROL DESIGN AND ANALYSIS Tao and Kokotovic ADAPTIVE CONTROL OF SYSTEMS WITH ACTUATOR AND SENSOR NONUNEARITIES Tsoukalas and Uhrig FUZZY AND NEURAL APPROACHES IN ENGINEERING VanHulle FAITHFUL REPRESENTATIONS AND TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS From Distortion- to Information-Based Self-Organization Vapnik STATISTICAL LEARNING THEORY Werbos THE ROOTS OF BACKPROPAGATION From Ordered Derivatives to Neural Networks and Political Forecasting Yee and Haykin REGULARIZED RADIAL BIAS FUNCTION NETWORKS Theory and Applications Adaptive Control Design and Analysis GANG TAO University of Virginia WILEY-INTERSCIENCE A JOHN WILEY SONS INC. .