tailieunhanh - From after effects to flash poetry in motion graphics - part 2

ới chương trình Sothink SWF Quicker, bạn có thể tạo cho mình những đoạn phim flash Click xem ảnh lớn thật pro, ghép giữa các hình kèm theo hiệu ứng hấp dẫn với nhạc nền, karaoke. mà không cần dùng đến những chương trình cồng kềnh như Macromedia Flash hay Photo AlBum Pro | FROM AFTER EFFECTS TO FLASH POETRY IN MOTION GRAPHICS 12. Save the file. This will create an AEP file that retains all of the project settings. This is an extremely valuable file in situations where changes need to be made to the video. 13. Quit After Effects 7. 14. Locate the QuickTime file you have just created and open it in QuickTime see Figure 1-24 . Figure 1-24. The project playing in the QuickTime player. Summary This chapter has lived up to its title From Concept to Final Product in After Effects 7. It also started us on our dragon hunt. You started off the chapter by learning how to create a project and a new Composition in After Effects. In many respects once you learn how to create a new Composition in After Effects you will repeat these steps innumerable times as you create motion graphics for use in Flash 8. The key aspect of the Composition is ensuring you maintain the 4 3 aspect ratio of the video s dimensions and that you use square pixels. They are important when the video is used in Flash. You were also shown how to add content to the timeline how to trim content to specific durations on the timeline and how to move clips and layers around in the timeline. We also showed you how manipulate the content by adding keyframes to a layer and scaling or changing the opacity of a clip between those keyframes. In many respects you have discovered there is very little difference between a keyframe in After Effects and its Flash counterpart. 30 FROM CONCEPT TO FINAL PRODUCT IN AFTER EFFECTS 7 We also showed you how to add and format text how to create a new solid and how to add audio to the project. The chapter finished by using the Render Queue to output the final QuickTime movie. In the next chapter we continue our dragon hunt by converting the video you have created to an FLV file and you will learn how to play the video through the new FLVPlayback component. We are also going to show you how to create your own custom player in Flash that does everything