sự khác biệt và truyền dẫn multigenerational, các nhà văn và trị liệu với định hướng gia đình tham dự một miền rộng lớn hơn nhiều so với những người tập trung vào cá nhân hay thậm chí là gia đình hạt nhân | 354 Interviewing Special Populations differentiation and multigenerational transmission writers and therapists with a family orientation attend to a much broader domain than those focusing on individuals or even nuclear families see Goldenberg Goldenberg 2000 . A family therapist working in the structural family theory model approaches the family as a living organism which leads to an open definition of both family and normality J. Patterson et al. 1998 . During an initial interview the therapist absorbs all aspects of family functioning to begin to draw a family map. This map or schema allows for an analysis of structural strengths and weaknesses in the family. Orienting to a family and to the family s distress systemically will substantially change interviewer-client interactions and interviewer inquiry. For instance in the body of a family interview coming from an ecosystemic approach Amatea and Brown 1993 recommend seeking answers to the following 1. What is the nature of the problem and what solutions have been tried to solve this problem 2. Who else has been involved in helping with this problem 3. If you were to bring in anyone to help with this problem whom would you invite 4. Who would be the last person s to bring in to help with this problem 5. If this problem were solved how would things be different The authors also advocate assessing the entire ecosystem that surrounds the problem and intervening at whatever junctions in the system seem most likely to positively effect change. Amatea and Brown draw heavily from the MRI Mental Research Institute approach which stems from the early work of Gregory Bateson Paul Watzlawick Don Jackson Jay Haley Virginia Satir and others see Goldenberg Goldenberg 2000 for review Bertolino O Hanlon 2002 Fisch Weakland Segal 1982 . Using a systems or ecological perspective to some extent behavioral family therapy shares similarities with behavioral couples therapy. Behavioral family therapists believe that families develop .