bao gồm bệnh nhân tâm thần phân liệt: chăm sóc y tế, các mối quan hệ của con người, chất lượng vật chất của cuộc sống, giao thông vận tải dịch vụ, điều kiện làm việc và làm việc, an toàn, kiến thức, giáo dục, giải trí và vui chơi giải trí, và kinh nghiệm bên trong (năm 1986). | 582 VIII. SPECIAL TOPICS covering patient with schizophrenia medical care human relationships material quality of life communication and transport services work and work conditions safety knowledge education leisure and recreation and inner experience May 1986 . Competency models on the other hand view people as active agents who govern their own lives. The core variables of competency models are personal autonomy Mercier King 1994 and self-esteem and self-efficacy Arns Linney 1993 . At least two further concepts of quality of life found in the psychiatric literature can be summarized as the combined approach and adaptive functioning models. In the combined approach both social and psychological indicators are taken into account. The best-known combined approach model was designed by Lehman 1983 and considered quality of life a subjective matter reflected in a sense of global well-being. In this model quality-of-life experience is reflected by personal characteristics . age and sex objective indicators in various domains of life and subjective quality of life in the same life domains. The objective indicators are external life conditions such as income housing and access to the community whereas subjective quality of life represents the individual s appraisal of these conditions and uses mostly satisfaction constructs. The domains included in the combined approach are living situation family social relations leisure work law safety finances and health. In adaptive functioning models importance is given to individual satisfaction in relation to social expectations a reasonable or high quality of life is dependent on the degree to which patients can meet the demands of life and achieve fulfillment of needs and find satisfaction. An example of an adaptive functioning model is that of Baker and Intagliata 1982 in which quality of life is a measure of the environmental system social indicators the experienced environment psychological indicators the biopsychological
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