tailieunhanh - Peripheral Vascular Ultrasound - part 5
Hình ảnh màu sắc có thể giúp cung cấp bằng chứng của bệnh, chẳng hạn như thay đổi vận tốc do hẹp, các khu vực điền khuyết tật do sự hiện diện của atheroma và sự vắng mặt của dòng chảy do tắc. | ULTRASOUND ASSESSMENT OF THE EXTRACRANIAL CEREBRAL CIRCULATION 91 Figure B-mode image of the ECA showing the superior thyroid branch arrow . the flowfrom theproximal CCAup intothe ICA andECA. Idontification of EGA branches either on B-mode or color imaging serves as a further indication as towhichvesselis tCcECA as the ICAEainobrcEchesbelow ste jew Ce . . Golos howimagingcan ptoesdeevibence of diseasa sudO as velocitychangnsdpd tostcno-sis areas offiliincEcdectedueibthepresenceo c atheromaand Ce obseoee ofiViwdiecto occlusion. Diagnosicshould noc be mapd bvcedon the color flow imaeiiiit elonCạbuS iegrcetihaids the sonog-doheeineoledtingareac dsat require close investinationwiththdtoeotbdDopoler. 4. Thespec-nao Doop Isonnoevonodteob reovocVs inflow to theceedOidardcsiosbo oacibvgiScesam-ple volumeio tnepsvu-melCCAdC sho baneoe the neck. ThchhaceoOtep wavefOTm osoo reveal the presenaeec dsoximal ordisrd oisrash PibOi as an IGA dbsonceoCsigbsfl-cant distalo c proximo discho e ch dl efiandsioht CCA wacdCohmscnouid hpdssoeycdme tsCleaO 5. The examinutionsotaohasdeovidchmanneluct as to wpich eod rhe two scscoIs beyono olcc bifurcation isc ee IGA sued aoehehelutive eioo and position oStOe iwovestelsahn chs pinenes of EGA drantdeSi SpectsaS h opj lf can now ba used to confiam ebc iddntiClcstieodfshdICA b Figure Typical normal Doppler spectra obtained from the CCA A the ICA B and the ECA C . The effect of temporal tapping on ECA diastolic flow is marked ccho c and ECAiesthe tnA Wdneeetm slotpile lios pulsatile en bCashighen diastolictlowthanthe EGA FiOl Differentidtioo bf sPe onsctls may be fui thci Cslpip c h tannine Ao temporal artery anECA brancd wdb di unsintìoint f e uopempao odthe ear ÍOÌ nltis wOlcamse changosm till EGA flow during diastole Fig. s is imperbdne that c lic IGA nod SA .AU sdouie oe correadniVcntifsbdI abisfs 0110 01x 10ceof 92 PERIPHERAL VASCULAR ULTRASOUND ICA CCA ECA 60 - A h K Figure A A color image of an .
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