tailieunhanh - Red Hat Linux 7.2 Bible, Unlimited ed phần 3

chương trình được sử dụng để giải thích và quản lý các lệnh đã được gọi là vỏ. Vỏ cung cấp một cách để chạy chương trình, làm việc với hệ thống tập tin, biên dịch mã máy tính, và quản lý máy tính. Mặc dù vỏ ít trực quan hơn giao diện đồ họa phổ biến, | If the results look fine you can run the command again without the test option to have the package removed. Querying packages with rpm Using the query options -q of rpm you can get information about RPM packages. This can be simply listing the packages that are installed or printing detailed information about a package. Here is the basic format of an rpm query command at least one option is required rpm -q options The following are some useful options you can use with an rpm query -qa Lists all installed packages. -qffile Lists the package that owns file. The file must include the full path name or rpm assumes the current directory. -qi package Lists lots of information about a package. -qRpackage Lists components such as libraries and commands that package depends on. -ql package Lists all the files contained in package. -qdpackage Lists all documentation files that come in package. -qc package Lists all configuration files that come in package. To list all the packages installed on your computer use the -a query option. Because this is a long list you should either pipe the output to more or possibly use grep to find the package you want. The following command line displays a list of all installed RPM packages and then shows only those names that include the string of characters xfree. The -i option to grep says to ignore case. rpm -qa grep -i xfree If you are interested in details about a particular package you can use the rpm -i query option. In the following example information about the dosfstools package for working with DOS filesystems in Linux is displayed rpm -qi dosfstools Name dosfstools Relocations not relocatable Version Vendor Red Hat Inc. Release 1 Build Date Fri 06 Jul 2001 08 29 15 AM PDT Install date Sun 29 Jul 2001 01 12 47 PM PDT Build Host Group Applications System Source RPM Size 194162 License GPL Packager Red Hat Inc. bugzilla Summary Utilities for making and checking MS-DOS