tailieunhanh - Business Process Implementation for IT Professionals phần 3

. Hình cũng cho thấy một số mối quan hệ giữa các thành phần hệ thống quản lý tài sản. Các mối quan hệ chỉ được chỉ định rộng rãi và không cụ thể được xác định là họ sẽ có trong một loại thực thể-mối quan hệ của sơ đồ. | Metamodel structure The business rule metamodel attributes that are utilized as the basis for further discussion are Creation date Name Description Purpose Source Owner Category Scope Detail level Strength Priority Persistence Format Implementation method Compliance monitor Domain specific. Other metamodels certainly are possible but the one utilized here will effectively serve as a vehicle for discovering the opportunities and problems associated with the use of business rules as an integral part of business operation. That structure along with some refinements discussed later can be considered as the core of a comprehensive business rule metamodel. Rule identification The first four attributes of the metamodel structure creation date name description and purpose provide a unique identifier for the rule. The meaning and values for each attribute are generally self-explanatory. A separate ID attribute is not specified in this structure but depending on need could certainly be added. Using only the values of the four identifier attributes it should be possible to define a rule with sufficient detail to distinguish it from all other rules. Although additional information is provided by the values of the other attributes they should not be needed for the identification of a unique rule. The remaining attributes and values can of course be used to search for rules with specific characteristics. Rule advocacy The attributes of source and owner provide an indication as to the original and continuing advocates for keeping the rule. All rules must have a business reason for their creation and continued existence. As part of the life cycle process that reason must be examined periodically and verified as to its continued validity. As a result of their direct involvement with the rule the creator and the owner are the primary advocates and must be consulted if any alteration in the rule status is contemplated. The source of the rule and the ownership of the .