tailieunhanh - Windows Server 2008 R2 Remote Desktop Services Resource Kit Book

In-depth and comprehensive, this official Microsoft® RESOURCE KIT delivers the information you need to plan, deploy, and administer Remote Desktop Services in Windows Server 2008 R2. You get authoritative technical guidance from those who know the technology best-leading industry experts and members of the Microsoft Desktop Virtualization Team. Coverage includes scenarios for Remote Desktop Services (formerly known as Terminal Services), virtualizing roles, setting up Remote Desktop Virtualization Host (RDVS). | Microsoft PUBLISHED BY M crosoft Press A D v s on of M crosoft Corporat on One M crosoft Way Redmond Wash ngton 98052-6399 Copyr ght 2010 by Chr sta Anderson A rghts reserved No part of the contents of ths book may be reproduced or transmitted n any form or by any means w thout the wr tten perm ss on of the pub sher L brary of Congress Contro Number 2010934986 Pr nted and bound n the Un ted States of Amer ca M crosoft Press books are ava ab e through bookse ers and d str butors wor dw de For further nformat on about nternat ona ed t ons contact your oca M crosoft Corporat on off ce or contact M crosoft Press Internatona drecty at fax 425 936-7329 Vst our Web ste at www m crosoft com mspress Send comments to ms nput@m crosoft com M crosoft and the trademarks sted at http www m crosoft com about ega en us Inte ectua Property Trademarks EN-US aspx are trademarks of the M crosoft group of compan es A other marks are property of the r respect ve owners The examp e compan es organ zat ons products doma n names e-ma addresses ogos peop e p aces and events dep cted here n are fict t ous No assoc at on w th any rea company organ zat on product doma n name e-ma address ogo person p ace or event s ntended or shou d be nferred Th s book expresses the author s v ews and op n ons The nformat on conta ned n th s book s prov ded w thout any express statutory or mp ed warrant es Ne ther the authors M crosoft Corporat on nor ts rese ers or d str butors w be he d ab e for any damages caused or a eged to be caused e ther d rect y or nd rect y by th s book Acquisitions Editor Mart n De Re Developmental Editor Karen Sza Project Editor Va er e Woo ey and Megan Sm th-Creed Editorial Production Custom Ed tor a Product ons Inc Technical Reviewer A ex Jusch n Techn ca Rev ew serv ces prov ded by Content Master a member of CM Group Ltd Cover Cover Des gn Tom Draper Des gn I ustrat on Todd Daman Body Part No X17-21601 I dedicate this book to my family who has always been .