Mật độ thông tin trong giai đoạn một, trải qua một ướt hoặc quá trình chuyển đổi làm khô, chất lượng khác nhau, và trong trường hợp chung, nó bao gồm ba phần. | 22 Interfacial and confined water density and this decay is determined by the bulk correlation length Ẹ. Density profile in a phase which undergoes a wetting or a drying transition is qualitatively different and in general case it consists of three portions. In a vapor phase undergoing a wetting transition a wetting layer is bounded by the liquid-vapor interface from one side and by the liquid-solid interface from another side. Accordingly profile of a liquid phase undergoing a drying transition consists of a vapor-solid interface drying layer and liquid-vapor interface. The density profile of a liquid phase near a weakly attractive solid surface is shown schematically in the left panel of Fig. 9. The thickness L of a drying layer is controlled by the fluid-wall interaction and by the thermodynamic state temperature pressure chemical potential of a bulk liquid. L may diverge strongly as a power law or weakly logarithmically when approaching the drying temperature 127 . The sharpness of a liquid-drying layer interface depends on the bulk correlation lengths in a liquid l and in a vapor v phase. In general this intrinsic interface may be rounded due to the z fl z fl Figure 9 Left panel density profile of a liquid phase with a drying layer of a thickness L near a weakly attractive surface. The thickness of an interface between the drying layer and solid surface and the thickness of a liquid-vapor interface are controlled by the bulk correlation lengths ệi and v in respective fluid phases. Right panel a drying layer is completely bound to the wall two interfaces merge together giving gradual density depletion controlled by . Surface transitions of water 23 fluctuations of the interface position with respect to the wall capillary waves 119 . Capillary waves at the liquid-vapor interface near the wall with a long-range fluid-wall interaction are suppressed and the interface has an intrinsic width. The interface between a drying layer and a solid interface should follow .

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