Nông lâm kết hợp là An quản lý đất hệ thống thâm canh cây và bụi cây đó kết hợp với cây trồng, chăn nuôi gia súc trong thời gian và không gian cảnh quan đã được cấp để Đạt được lợi ích tối ưu từ sinh học tương tác giữa đất, thực vật, và động vật chân đốt. Hệ thống nông lâm kết hợp (AFS) tại cân bằng AIM Nhu cầu duy trì tính đa dạng hệ sinh thái và năng suất, trong khi nhiều cuộc họp, sử dụng và sustainedyield Nhu cầu của nông nghiệp (Nair, 1993; Sanchez, 1995). Nông dân bản. | 6 Ecologically Based Pest Management in Agroforestry Systems Miguel A. Altieri and Clara I. Nicholls CONTENTS Biodiversity Biotic Interactions and Ideas for Pest Ecological Consequences of Biodiversity Reduction in AFS A Case Study from Effects of Trees in Agroforestry on Insect Pests and Associated Natural Enemies. 101 Tree Shade Crop Attractiveness. 103 Cover Crop Effects. 103 Plant Diversity and Natural Enemies . 103 Ecological Principles for Design . 104 Need for Further Research . 105 References . 106 INTRODUCTION Agroforestry is an intensive land-management system that combines trees and shrubs with crops and livestock in time and space on a landscape level to achieve optimum benefits from biological interactions between soils plants and arthropods. Agroforestry systems AFS aim at balancing ecosystem demands to sustain diversity and productivity while meeting multiple-use and sustained-yield needs of agriculture Nair 1993 Sanchez 1995 . Indigenous farmers in the developing world who usually understand land-use interactions in their local ecosystems often apply the systems successfully. Examples include the multistoried coffee- and cacao-based agroforests in Latin America and the complex homegardens in Asia. Many of the benefits of AFS are derived from the increased diversity of these systems compared with corresponding monocultures of crops or trees. Although little research has been conducted on pest interactions within AFS agroforestry has been assumed to reduce pest outbreaks usually associated with monocultures. Although the effects of various agroforestry designs on pest populations can be of a varied nature microclimatic nutritional natural enemies etc. regulating factors do not act in isolation from each other. The few reviews on pest management in agroforestry Rao et al. 2000 Schroth et al. 2000 stipulate that the high plant diversity associated .
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