It would add up to a major record of EU action before the June 2014 European Parliament elections. In 2013 the Commission will devote much effort to implementation as an immediate way of delivering on the benefits of EU action. Following the decisions to be taken on the multi-annual financial framework by the end of 2012, during 2013 the Commission will focus on finalising arrangements for rapid implementation, including through the use of country-specific negotiation mandates to ensure that the priorities supported through EU-funded investment are clearly targeted on growth and jobs. Targeted investment supported by a modern, proreform EU budget can make a decisive contribution to growth,. | CLìmate Investment FuncJs January 14 2013 Revised CTF Results Framework I. Introduction 1. This revised simplified CTF results framework was prepared pursuant to the approved Measures to Improve the Operations of the Climate Investment The revised results framework is based on the first-hand experiences of the pilot countries and the MDBs in implementing the original CTF results framework. A preliminary analysis across the CTF revealed that most countries do not have the capacity to establish a complex monitoring and evaluation M E system which would have been required under the original results framework. The revised results framework thus takes into account key CTF objectives and an improved understanding of what is possible as part of the development and implementation of a CTF investment plan. 2. The results framework establishes a basis for future monitoring and evaluation of the impact outcomes and outputs of CTF-funded activities. In addition the results framework is designed to guide CTF countries regional programs and MDBs in further developing their own results frameworks to ensure that CTF-relevant results and indicators are integrated in their own M E systems at the country or the project program level. The basic principles underlying the framework are included as Annex I of this document. 3. Section 2 introduces the revised CTF logical model. Based on the logic model section 3 outlines the proposed CTF results frameworks with result statements and indicators. The last section outlines briefly necessary changes in the project program documentation to reflect the simplified M E approach. 4. The revised CTF results framework reduces the number of indicators from 31 in the original results framework to six. The six indicators cover two M E levels - transformational impact one indicator A and CTF program outcomes five indicators B1-B5 . The five program outcome indicators are core indicators. B1 and B2 are to be used by all projects outcome .