MOBY DICK HERMAN MELVILLE CHAPTER 31 Đây là một tác phẩm anh ngữ nổi tiếng với những từ vựng nâng cao chuyên ngành văn chương. Nhằm giúp các bạn yêu thich tiếng anh luyện tập và củng cố thêm kỹ năng đọc tiếng anh . | MOBY DICK HERMAN MELVILLE CHAPTER 31 Queen Mab Next morning Stubb accosted Flask. Such a queer dream King-Post I never had. You know the old man s ivory leg well I dreamed he kicked me with it and when I tried to kick back upon my soul my little man I kicked my leg right off And then presto Ahab seemed a pyramid and I like a blazing fool kept kicking at it. But what was still more curious Flask- you know how curious all dreams are- through all this rage that I was in I somehow seemed to be thinking to myself that after all it was not much of an insult that kick from Ahab. Why thinks I what s the row It s not a real leg only a false one. And there s a mighty difference between a living thump and a dead thump. That s what makes a blow from the hand Flask fifty times more savage to bear than a blow from a cane. The living member- that makes the living insult my little man. And thinks I to myself all the while mind while I was stubbing my silly toes against that cursed pyramid- so confoundedly contradictory was it all all the while I say I was thinking to myself what s his leg now but a cane-. a whale-bone cane. Yes thinks I it was only a playful cudgelling- in fact only a whaleboning that he gave me- not a base kick. Besides thinks I look at it once why the end of it- the foot part-what a small sort of end it is whereas if a broad footed farmer kicked me there s a devilish broad insult. But this insult is whittled down to a point only. But now comes the greatest joke of the dream Flask. While I was battering away at the pyramid a sort of badger-haired old merman with a hump on his back takes me by the shoulders and slews me round. What are you bout says he. Slid man but I was frightened. Such a phiz But somehow next moment I was over the fright. What am I about says I at last. And what business is that of yours I should like to know Mr. Humpback Do you want a kick By the lord Flask I had no sooner said that than he turned round his stern to me bent over and dragging .