THE mud was black and oily where it spread thinly at the edges of the asphalt, and wherever it touched it left a stain; it was upon the leather of every pedestrian, even the most fastidious, and it bordered with almost laughable conspicuousness the higher marking of yellow clay upon the heavy shoes of David Jasper, where he stood at the curb in front of the big hotel with his young friend, Edward Lamb. Absorbed in "lodge," talk, neither of the oddly assorted cronies cared much for drizzle overhead or mire underfoot; but a splash of black mud in the face must necessarily command some. | 1 CHAPTER I CHAPTER II CHAPTER III CHAPTER IV CHAPTER V CHAPTER VI CHAPTER VII CHAPTER VIII CHAPTER IX CHAPTER X CHAPTER XI CHAPTER XII CHAPTER XIII CHAPTER XIV CHAPTER XV CHAPTER XVI CHAPTER XVII CHAPTER XVIII CHAPTER XIX CHAPTER XX CHAPTER XXI CHAPTER XXII CHAPTER XXIII CHAPTER XXIV CHAPTER XXV CHAPTER XXVI CHAPTER XXVII GET-RICH-QUICK WALLINGFORD 2 CHAPTER XXVIII GET-RICH-QUICK WALLINGFORD A cheerful account of the rise and fall of an American Business Buccaneer By GEORGE RANDOLPH CHESTER Author of The Making of Bobby Burnit The Cash Intrigue Etc. A. L. BURT COMPANY PUBLISHERS NEW YORK Copyright 1907 by the Curtis Publishing Company Copyright 1908 by the Curtis Publishing Company Copyright 1908 by Howard E. Altemus Published April 1908 TO THE LIVE BUSINESS MEN OF AMERICA THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN STUNG AND THOSE WHO HAVE YET TO UNDERGO THAT PAINFUL EXPERIENCE THIS LITTLE TALE IS SYMPATHETICALLY DEDICATED Contents I. In Which J. Rufus Wallingford Conceives a Brilliant Invention II. Wherein Edward Lamb Beholds the Amazing Profits of the Carpet-tack Industry III. Mr. Wallingford s Lamb Is Carefully Inspired with a Flash of Creative Genius IV. J. Rufus Accepts a Temporary Accommodation and Buys an Automobile V. The Universal Covered Carpet Tack Company Forms Amid Great Enthusiasm VI. In Which an Astounding Revelation Is Made Concerning J. Rufus VII. Wherein the Great Tack Inventor Suddenly Decides to Change His Location VIII. Mr. Wallingford Takes a Dose of His Own Bitter Medicine IX. Mr. Wallingford Shows Mr. Clover How to Do the Widows and Orphans Good X. An Amazing Combination of Philanthropy and Profit is Inaugurated XI. Neil Takes a Sudden Interest in the Business and Wallingford Lets Go XII. Fate Arranges for J. Rufus an Opportunity to Manufacture Sales Recorders By GEORGE RANDOLPH CHESTER XIII. Mr. Wallingford Offers Unlimited Financial Backing to a New Enterprise 3 XIV. Showing How Five Hundred Dollars May Do the Work of Five Thousand XV. Wallingford Generously .
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