tailieunhanh - hack book hack proofing your network internet tradecraft phần 9

File này có chứa một danh sách các người sử dụng, và các máy chủ mà trên đó cư trú, những người được phép đăng nhập vào tài khoản cụ thể mà không có mật khẩu. Chứng thực được thực hiện | 364 Chapter 13 Client Holes Location of Exploit One would imagine that a malicious server would be a server that the attacker owns. Indeed all the cases I m aware of where these attacks have been available have been benign demonstrations usually put up by the discoverer of the hole or an interested third party. But why would a malicious attacker want to put up an exploit on a server that will point immediately back to him or her There are a number of ways around this problem. One that has been used most widely to date though not really for client-side exploits is the free Web site. There are any number of services that will allow someone to sign up for free sometimes with little more than an e-mail address for some space on a Web server to publish whatever the user likes as long as it s within the guidelines established by the service. The problem is someone usually has to report something inappropriate before the service provider knows it is there so they can remove it. There have been many cases where Trojan horse programs have been hosted on free Web sites and have stuck around for some time until someone was able to prove it was a malicious program. One such Trojan horse was posted to the vuln-dev list see Chapter 15 Reporting Security Problems for more information about the vuln-dev list in October of 1999. A program purporting to be ICQ2000 before a real one existed was posted to the free hosting service. The mailing list thread can be viewed at templates list 82 date 1999-10-22 thread A client-side exploit could just as easily be hosted on such a site for either a mass or targeted attack. In the case of a mass attack it would likely be shut down quickly maybe before the attacker had what he or she needed maybe not. For a targeted attack it s just fine. It s worth noting that this really only applies to Web content as free hosting for other .