Đó là khá hài lòng người yêu cầu hầu như luôn luôn chế nhạo hoặc yêu cầu của cô. Nhiều kêu vang trong và cho rằng đó không phải là những gì hack là về. Thường cũng là một ẩn ý "nếu bạn muốn làm điều đó, tìm hiểu làm thế nào để làm điều đó cho mình. | 18 Chapter 1 Politics It s rather gratifying that the requestor is almost always ridiculed for his or her request. Many chime in and claim that that s not what hacking is about. There is often also a subtext of if you want to do that learn how to do it yourself. Of course this is what takes place in the public forums. We have no idea what private negotiations may take place if any. It s unclear how many of these types spend the effort to learn any of the skills for themselves. Since the initial request is usually for someone else to do it for them it s probably a safe assumption that the number is small. Still if they are determined there is nothing to stop them from learning. The world is extremely fortunate that nearly all of the hackers of moderate skill or better hack for hacking s sake. They wouldn t ever use their skills to cause damage and they publish the information they find. We re fortunate that most of those hackers who choose to cause trouble seem to be on the lower end of the skill scale. We re fortunate that the few who do cross the line still seem to have some For IT Professionals II - ft n. . Hacking Mindset If you re an IT professional charged with protecting the security of your systems and you re reading this book then you ve probably decided to take a hacker approach to security. Relevant to this chapter you may be thinking that you have no plans to make any lifestyle changes to conform to any of the hacker types presented here. That s fine. You may be worried or slightly insulted that we ve placed you in some lesser category of hacker. Don t be. Like anything you set out to do you get to decide how much effort you dedicate to the task. If you ve achieved any success in or derived any enjoyment from your IT you ll have no trouble picking up the hacking skills. The difference between regular IT work and hacking is subtle and really pretty small. The difference is a mindset a way of paying attention. Every day when you re doing your regular work