tailieunhanh - United Nations Environment Programme Medium-term Strategy 2010–2013
While current environmental challenges may sometimes seem insurmountable, they also represent opportunities for individuals, local communities and businesses and for international cooperation. New and exciting avenues to achieve sustainable development will emerge from the use of economic and regulatory instruments, new and existing technologies and the empowerment of stakeholders to establish enabling environments for innovation and creative solutions. The current environmental challenges and opportunities will cause the environment to move from often being considered as a marginal issue at the intergovernmental and national levels to the centre of political and economic decision-making. The linkages between environmental sustainability and the. | United Nations Environment Programme Medium-term Strategy 2010-2013 Environment for Development UNEP UNEP 8 Table of contents The Strategy at a I. Introduction and A. Purpose of the Medium-term Strategy B. Current state of the global environment and major C. Evolution in the role and mandate of UNEP and recent directional 1. Evolution in the UNEP 2. Recent directional D. Lessons learned and comparative 1. Lessons 2. Comparative II. Vision for III. Strategic direction cross-cutting priorities and A. Climate B. Disasters and C. Ecosystem D. Environmental E. Harmful substances and hazardous F. Resource efficiency - sustainable consumption and IV. Implementing the priorities and A. Sound science for decision-makers early warning monitoring and B. Awareness-raising outreach and C. Capacity-building and technology support Bali Strategic D. Cooperation coordination and 1. Multilateral environmental 2. United Nations system and international 3. Civil society and the private 4. C ollaborating centres of E. Sustainable financing for the global V. Institutional A. Strategic B. Planning for re C. Institutional knowledge D. Gender E. Human resource F. Resource VI. Monitoring evaluation and mechanism for review of the Medium-term Strategy .20 Annexes I UNEP Medium-term Strategy II. Recent directional III. Evolution in the role and mandate of IV. Results matrix - objectives expected accomplishments and V. Hierarchy of 2 The Strategy at a glance At the dawn of the millennium heads of State .
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