tailieunhanh - Colorectal Cancer: Six Years of Research Progress

It is hard to find adrenal carcinomas early and they are often quite large when diagnosed. Adrenal carcinomas are often found earlier in children than in adults because adrenal cancers in children more commonly secrete hormones. Children will show outward signs of excess hormone production early. For example they may develop very early signs of puberty due to the sex hormones that sometimes are produced by adrenal cancer. In adults, these tumors may be found early by accident, when a CT scan is done for some other health concern. The American Cancer Society has official recommendations for the early detection. | Colorectal Cancer Six Years of Research Progress March 2008 . DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES National Institutes of Health Colorectal Cancer Six Years of Research Progress Table of Contents Highlights of NCI s Recent Progress in Colorectal T he Colorectal Cancer NCI Planning for Colorectal Cancer NCI s Investment in Colorectal Cancer NCI Funding for Colorectal Cancer Research Clinical Specialized Programs of Research NCI s Progress in Colorectal Cancer Research Research Research Clinical Research Research Clinical Research Early Detection and Research Clinical Research Treatment and Research Clinical Research Cancer Control Survivorship and Research Clinical Research 1 List of Figures Figure 1. Colorectal Cancer Estimated New Cases and Deaths by Year 1999 to Figure 2. Colorectal Cancer Incidence Rate Trends by Racial Ethnic Group 1984 to Figure 3. Colorectal Cancer Male-Female Incidence Rate Trends 1984 to Figure 4. Colorectal Cancer Mortality Rate Trends All Races 1984 to Figure 5. Colorectal Cancer Male-Female Mortality Rate Trends 1984 to Figure 6. Trends in Colorectal Cancer Screening FOBT and Endoscopy 1987 to Figure 7. Trends in NCI Funding for Colorectal Cancer Research FY2000 to Figure 8. Estimated Funding for Extramural Research by Scientific Area FY2000 to FY2006 .8 Figure 9. Total Number of NCI-Sponsored Research Projects Relevant to Colorectal Cancer FY2000 to Figure 10. Colorectal Cancer Research by PRG