New-nai thế giới của các Odocoileus chi thường giả định để đối phó với tình trạng thiếu thực phẩm do intraspecific cạnh tranh bằng cách tuyển dụng giảm, khối lượng cơ thể, và các biểu hiện khác. McCullough của cuốn sách (1979) trên đàn hươu George dự trữ thường được trích dẫn là sự dứt khoát làm việc trên phụ thuộc vào mật độ hươu đuôi trắng (O. virginianus), và bằng cách mở rộng con hươu con la, (O. hemionus). Cục Dự trữ George là 464 ha, có hàng rào cao bất động sản ở Michigan, Hoa Kỳ. Hai nam và nữ đã được giới. | 12 Density Dependence in Deer Populations Relevance for Management in Variable Environments Charles A. DeYoung D. Lynn Drawe Timothy Edward Fulbright David Glenn Hewitt Stuart W. Stedman David R. Synatzske and James G. Teer CONTENTS Testing South Texas Deer Counts for Density Dependence. 206 Foundation Theory and Management Relevance. 215 Acknowledgments. 220 References. 220 New-world deer of the genus Odocoileus are commonly assumed to respond to food shortage due to intraspecific competition by reduced recruitment body mass and other manifestations. McCullough s 1979 book on the George Reserve deer herd is commonly cited as the definitive work on density dependence in white-tailed deer O. virginianus and by extension mule deer O. hemionus . The George Reserve is a 464-ha high-fenced property in Michigan United States. Two males and four females were introduced in 1928 and by 1933 the population was estimated to be 160. The population fluctuated until 1952 when a series of experiments with deer density began. The population was reduced during this time in a series of steps and data collected to form a population model McCullough 1979 . Strong density dependence was evident in this model. Reductions in the George Reserve population continued into 1975 when an estimated 10 deer remained McCullough 1982 . No deer were subsequently harvested for 5 years to allow the population to increase. McCullough 1982 1983 concluded that the population response after 1975 was similar to the original increase from 1928 to 1933. Downing and Guynn 1985 presented a generalized sustained yield table using McCullough 1979 as a starting point. Downing and Guynn 1985 used their experience and literature values to present a table scaled to percent K carrying capacity. McCullough 1979 1982 1983 and Downing and Guynn 1985 showed density-dependent responses across the population growth range from low density to K. We define K as the maximum sustainable population level where the deer are in .