Trong 50 năm qua, miền Nam Texas cảnh quan đã cung cấp một phòng thí nghiệm phong phú để phát triển một cơ sở khoa học cho việc quản lý gia cầm trò chơi, chủ yếu dựa trên các nghiên cứu của bobwhites phía Bắc (Colinus virginianus) (Brennan năm 1999; Hernandez et al 2002). Bắt đầu với mốc tự nhiên điều tra lịch sử (Lehmann 1984) và tiếp tục với một loạt các nghiên cứu nghiêm túc thực nghiệm và phát triển các mô hình khác của Guthery và các cộng sự (Guthery 2002), nhấn mạnh vào chim cút nghiên cứu đổi mới ở Hoa. | 4 Upland Game Bird Management Linking Theory and Practice in South Texas Leonard A. Brennan Fidel Hernandez William P Kuvlesky Jr. and Fred S. Guthery CONTENTS Emerging Links between Theory and Management. 66 Harvest Management. 66 Empirical Example. 67 Research and Data Needs. 68 Culture and Perception. 68 Hunter-Covey Interface Models. 69 Static Models . 69 Dynamic Models. 69 Assumptions. 69 Role of Heat. 70 Continental Scale. 70 Local Scale. 71 Nest Predation Dynamics and Usable Space. 73 Predictions from Simulations. 73 Habitat The Conceptual Link between Theory and Application. 76 Acknowledgments. 76 References. 77 During the past 50 years the South Texas landscape has provided a rich laboratory for developing a scientific basis for game bird management primarily based on studies of northern bobwhites Colinus virginianus Brennan 1999 Hernandez et al. 2002 . Beginning with landmark natural history investigations Lehmann 1984 and continuing with a series of rigorous empirical studies and development of models by Guthery and his associates Guthery 2002 the emphasis on quail research innovation in the United States has clearly shifted from the southeastern states to Texas and Oklahoma. Few if any wildlife species other than perhaps white-tailed deer Odocoileus virginianus have received research attention comparable to the northern bobwhite. For example the recent Technology of Bobwhite Management Guthery 2002 contains conceptual quantitative and theoretical models of all aspects of bobwhite life history Energetics and energy-based carrying capacity 65 2008 by Taylor Francis Group LLC 66 Wildlife Science Linking Ecological Theory and Management Applications the physiological need for water population ecology viability and production harvest theory huntercovey interface HCI theory and theory of habitat management. Linking such theoretical models with management practices remains a major challenge but has the potential to address and clarify issues that have .