Ô nhiễm Arsenic (As) của các nguồn tài nguyên nước ngầm được sử dụng để cung cấp nước uống là một vấn đề mới nổi trên toàn thế giới. Ngoại trừ việc sử dụng thay thế, nguồn nước không bị ô nhiễm, xử lý nước Như loại bỏ thường là giải pháp duy nhất để đáp ứng các tiêu chuẩn. Các ứng dụng có hiệu quả của các quá trình loại bỏ Như đòi hỏi các kiến thức về hóa học của nó trong nước tự nhiên. Trước khi thực hiện một sự lựa chọn của một kỹ thuật xử. | Section 4 Remediation of arsenic-rich groundwaters Copyright 2005 Taylor Francis Group plc London UK Natural Arsenic in Groundwater Occurrence Remediation and Management -Bundschuh Bhattacharya and Chandrasekharam eds 2005 Taylor Francis Group London ISBN 04 1536 700 X Technologies for arsenic removal from potable water W. Driehaus GEH Wasserchemie GmbH Co. KG Osnabrueck Germany ABSTRACT Arsenic As contamination of ground water resources used for potable water supply is an emerging problem throughout the world. Except for the use of alternative uncontaminated water sources water treatment for As removal is often the only solution to meet the standards. The effective application of As removal processes requires the knowledge of its chemistry in natural water. Before making a choice of a suitable treatment technique it is to ascertain whether As III is present and to evaluate the need for an oxidation technique for As III . The techniques existing for the removal of As include conventional processes like ion exchange and coagulation filtration and also emerging processes with iron oxide based adsorbents like granular ferric hydroxides. While most of the removal techniques suitable for water works operation rely on sorption processes they exhibit big differences in investment chemical cost maintenance and the type of arsenic bearing waste. Different options for disposal are discussed. 1 INTRODUCTION Arsenic As became a serious health problem in several countries around the world. This is also attributed to new findings about the toxicity of arsenic especially for long term exposure to low levels in drinking water and food. Thus a number of countries have lowered their drinking water standards within the last 13 years WHO 2001 . The lowered standards mostly to 10 g L and the As calamity in India and Bangladesh induced world wide activities in research of available treatment methods for As-removal and the development of new technologies. The situation of drinking water