tailieunhanh - Trading in the Zone Master the Market with Confidence Discipline and a Winning Attitude_8

Tham khảo tài liệu 'trading in the zone master the market with confidence discipline and a winning attitude_8', kinh doanh - tiếp thị, quản trị kinh doanh phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | giving away money he would already be mobbed. He might even be endangering his life. He must be crazy. I had better take a wide path around him who knows what he might do Notice that every component of the thought process described is consistent with the belief that free money doesn t exist. 1. The words free money were neither perceived nor interpreted as they were intended from the environment s perspective. 2. Deciding the person with the sign must be crazy created an expectation of danger or at least a perception that caution was warranted. 3. Purposefully altering one s path to avoid the person with the sign is an action that is consistent with the expectation of danger. 4. How did each person feel about the outcome That s difficult to say without knowing each person individually but a good generalization would be that they felt relieved that they successfully avoided an encounter with a crazy person. The feeling of relief that resulted from avoiding a confrontation is a state of mind. Remember that how we feel the relative degree of positively or negatively charged energy flowing through our bodies and minds is always the absolute truth. But the beliefs that prompt any particular state of mind may not be the truth with respect to the possibilities available from the environment s perspective. Relief from confrontation was not the only possible outcome in this situation. Imagine how different the experience would be if they believed that free money exists. The process described above would be the same except it would make the belief that free money exists seem self-evident and beyond question just as it made the belief that free money doesn t exist seem self-evident and beyond question. A perfect example would be the one person who said great may I have a quarter for a bus transfer. When I saw this I had the anybody for a quarter. A panhandler is someone who definitely believes in the existence of free money. Therefore his perception and interpretation of the