tailieunhanh - Trading in the Zone Master the Market with Confidence Discipline and a Winning Attitude_6

Tham khảo tài liệu 'trading in the zone master the market with confidence discipline and a winning attitude_6', kinh doanh - tiếp thị, quản trị kinh doanh phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | movement is a function of the relative balance or imbalance between two primary forces traders who believe the price is going up and traders who believe the price is going down. If there s balance between the two groups prices will stagnate because each side will absorb the force of the other side s actions. If there is an imbalance prices will move in the direction of the greater force or the traders who have the stronger convictions in their beliefs about in what direction the price is going. Now I want you to ask yourself what s going to stop virtually anything from happening at any time other than exchange-imposed limits on price movement. There s nothing to stop the price of an issue from going as high or low as whatever some trader in the world believes is possible if of course the trader is willing to act on that belief. So the range of the market s behavior in its collective form is limited only by the most extreme beliefs about what is high and what is low held by any given individual participating in that market. I think the implications are self-evident There can be an extreme diversity of beliefs present in any given market in any given moment making virtually anything possible. When we look at the market from this perspective it s easy to see that every potential trader who is willing to express his belief about the future becomes a market variable. On a more personal level this means that it only takes one other trader anywhere in the world to negate the positive potential of your trade. Put another way it takes only one other trader to negate what you believe about what is high or what is low. That s all only one Here s an example to illustrate this point. Several years ago a trader came to me for help. He was an excellent market analyst in fact he was one of the best I ve ever met. But after years of frustration during which he lost all his money and a lot of other people s money he was finally ready to admit that as a trader he left a lot to be .