tailieunhanh - Trading in the Zone Master the Market with Confidence Discipline and a Winning Attitude_5

Tham khảo tài liệu 'trading in the zone master the market with confidence discipline and a winning attitude_5', kinh doanh - tiếp thị, quản trị kinh doanh phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | energy and stored in our mental environment as a memory and or dis- I think all of this is fairly self-evident to most people but there are some profound implications here that aren t self-evident and we typically take them completely for granted. First of all there s a cause-and-effect relationship that exists between ourselves and everything else that exists in the external environment. As a result our encounters with external forces create what I am going to call energy structures inside our minds. The memories distinctions and ultimately the beliefs we acquire throughout our lives exist in our mental environment in the form of structured energy. Structured energy is an abstract concept. You might be asking yourself How does energy take shape or form Before I answer this question an even more fundamental question needs to be addressed. How do we know that memories distinctions and beliefs exist in the form of energy in the first place I don t know if it s been scientifically proven or completely accepted by the scientific community but ask yourself in what other form could these mental components exist Here s what we know for sure Anything composed of atoms and molecules takes up space and therefore can be observed. If memories distinctions and beliefs existed in some physical form then we should be able to observe them. To my knowledge no such observations have been made. The scientific community has dissected brain tissue both living and dead examined it at the level of the individual atom mapped various regions of the brain in terms of their functions but nobody as yet has observed a memory distinction or belief in its natural form. By in its natural form I mean that although a scientist can obse e the individual brain cells that contain certain memories he can t experience those memories first hand. He can only experience them if the person to whom the memories belong is alive and chooses to express them in some way. If memories distinctions and beliefs don