tailieunhanh - Trading in the Zone Master the Market with Confidence Discipline and a Winning Attitude_3

Tham khảo tài liệu 'trading in the zone master the market with confidence discipline and a winning attitude_3', kinh doanh - tiếp thị, quản trị kinh doanh phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | young or didn t get it when it was important to them. In any case the deprivation becomes unresolved emotional energy that compels them to behave in ways that will satisfy the addiction. What s important for us to understand about these unreconciled denied impulses that exist in all of us is how they affect our ability to stay focused and take a disciplined consistent approach to our trading. THE SAFEGUARDS To operate effectively in the trading environment we need rules and boundaries to guide our behavior. It is a simple fact of trading that the potential exists to do enormous damage to ourselves damage that can be way out of proportion to what we may think is possible. There are many kinds of trades in which the risk of loss is unlimited. To prevent the possibility of exposing ourselves to damage we need to create an internal structure in the form of specialized mental discipline and a perspective that guides our behavior so that we always act in our own best interests. This structure has to exist within each of US because unlike society the market doesn t provide it. The markets provide structure in the form of behavior patterns that indicate when an opportunity to buy or sell exists. But that s where the structure ends with a simple indication. Otherwise from each individual s perspective there are no formalized rules to guide your behavior. There aren t even any beginnings middles or endings as there are in virtually every other activity we participate in. This is an extremely important distinction with profound psychological implications. The market is like a stream that is in constant motion. It doesn t start stop or wait. Even when the markets are closed prices are still in motion. There is no rule that the opening price on any day must be the same as the closing price the day before. Nothing we do in society properly prepares US to function effectively in such a boundary-less environment. Even gambling games have built-in structures that make them much .