AID DANH MỤC TÀI CHÍNH Khám phá các tùy chọn của bạn càng sớm càng tốt một khi bạn đã quyết định bắt đầu một chương trình đào tạo. Tìm hiểu những gì trường của bạn yêu cầu và hỗ trợ tài chính mà họ cung cấp. | Financial Aid Discovering the Possibilities complicated in many situations so you should take your particular circumstance to the student financial aid office for help. FINANCIAL AID CHECKLIST __ Explore your options as soon as possible once you ve decided to begin a training program. __ Find out what your school requires and what financial aid they offer. __ Complete and mail the FAFSA as soon as possible after January 1. __ Complete and mail other applications by the deadlines. __ Return all requested documentation promptly to your financial aid office. __ Carefully read all letters and notices from the school the federal student aid processor the need analysis service and private scholarship organizations. Note whether financial aid will be sent before or after you are notified about admission and how exactly you will receive the money. __ Gather loan application information and forms from your school or college financial aid must forward the completed loan application to your financial aid office. Don t forget to sign the loan application. __ Report any changes in your financial resources or expenses to your financial aid office so they can adjust your award accordingly. __ Re-apply each year. FINANCIAL AID ACRONYMS KEY COA Cost of Attendance also known as COE Cost of Education CWS College Work-Study EFC Expected Family Contribution EFT Electronic Funds Transfer ESAR Electronic Student Aid Report ETS Educational Testing Service FAA Financial Aid Administrator FAF Financial Aid Form FAFSA Free Application for Federal Student Aid FAO Financial Aid Office Financial Aid Officer 85 HOTEL RESTAURANT MANAGEMENT career starter FDSLP Federal Direct Student Loan Program FFELP Federal Family Education Loan Program FSEOG Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant FWS Federal Work-Study PC Parent Contribution PLUS Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students SAP Satisfactory Academic Progress SC Student Contribution USED . .