Nuốt phải thạch tín (As) bị ô nhiễm nước ngầm là nguyên nhân chính của Như ngộ độc ở Bangladesh. Tuy nhiên, ngộ độc trong nhân dân là không phù hợp với mức độ hấp thụ nước. Hơn nữa, đó cũng là một sự thay đổi không gian của sự biểu hiện của arsenicosis trong nước. Điều này đã nêu lên câu hỏi về vai trò của thói quen thực phẩm, | Section 2 Environmental health assessment-arsenic in the food chain Copyright 2005 Taylor Francis Group plc London UK Natural Arsenic in Groundwater Occurrence Remediation and Management -Bundschuh Bhattacharya and Chandrasekharam eds 2005 Taylor Francis Group London ISBN 04 1536 700 X Arsenic in groundwater and contamination of the food chain Bangladesh scenario . Imamul Huq Department of Soil Water Environment University of Dhaka Dhaka Bangladesh Ravi Naidu Centre for Environmental Risk Assessment and Remediation CERAR University of South Australia Mawson Lake Campus Adelaide Australia ABSTRACT Ingestion of arsenic As contaminated groundwater is the major cause of As poisoning in Bangladesh. However poisoning among the population is not consistent with the level of water intake. Moreover there is also a spatial variation of the manifestation of arsenicosis in the country. This has raised the question about the role of the food habit nature and amount of food intake in the As dilemma. Even if an As-safe drinking water supply is ensured yet the same As contaminated groundwater will continue to be the main source of irrigation for about 40 of the net cultivable area as more than 60 of irrigation water comes from groundwater. This leaves a risk of soil accumulation of the toxic element and eventual exposure of the food chain to As contamination through plant uptake and animal consumption. Water hand tube wells and irrigation pumps soil and vegetables crop samples collected from as many as 150 different locations covering 15 districts of the country have revealed that the average background concentration of As in Bangladesh is much below 10 mg kg soil. However in some areas where soils receive As-contaminated groundwater irrigation the concentration has been found to be as high as 80mg kg soil. The soil As varies both spatially and vertically. The soil formation and the aquifer characters control the spatial variation while the vertical distribution is controlled .