Bài báo này trình bày các kết quả của lý hóa phân tích các mẫu nước ngầm thu được từ hai mươi (20) tay giếng đào nằm trong cộng đồng trong vành đai núi đá vôi của Nhà nước Ogun với xem một để xác định chất lượng (hoặc di động) về nồng độ thạch tín của các nguồn tài nguyên nước của các mạch nước ngầm ở các cộng đồng này. Kết quả cho thấy tối thiểu là 0,04 mg / L đạt được trong các giếng Akinbo và tối đa là 0,16 mg / L đạt được trong. | Natural Arsenic in Groundwater Occurrence Remediation and Management -Bundschuh Bhattacharya and Chandrasekharam eds 2005 Taylor Francis Group London ISBN 04 1536 700 X Arsenic pollution in aquifers located within limestone areas of Ogun State Nigeria . Gbadebo Department of Environmental Management and Toxicology College of Environmental Management Resources University of Agriculture Abeokuta Ogun State Nigeria ABSTRACT This paper presents the results of physico-chemical analysis of groundwater samples obtained from twenty 20 hand-dug wells located in ten communities within the limestone belt of Ogun State with a view to determine the quality or portability in terms of arsenic concentration of the water resources of the aquifers in these communities. The result indicates a minimum of mg L obtained in the wells of Akinbo and a maximum of mg L obtained in the wells of Lapeleke. The mean values of arsenic in all the sampled aquifers are generally higher than the maximum permissible value of mg L recommended for drinking water by WHO. Also the main arsenic concentration of soil shale and limestone in the area are g gg g and ig g respectively while the pollution index PI for the water in the aquifers generally for the limestone area is . Thus both the measured values of this metal and the calculated PI inferred groundwater arsenic pollution in this sedimentary terrain. 1 INTRODUCTION Aquifers are the major source of clean water all over the world. However the advent of industrial revolution and mechanized farming has drastically changed the quality of groundwater resources by introducing a wide range of chemical contaminants Nickolas 1996 . Besides widespread problem of aquifer contamination by chlorinated solvent emanating from dry-cleaning industry together with hydrocarbon leakages from buried tanks are also sources of aquifer pollution. All these have deteriorated and degraded the quality of groundwater. Aquifer pollution .