tailieunhanh - HP-UX/Tru64 UNIX System Administration Interoperability phần 10

Có thể, thậm chí cần thiết, đối với một số người sử dụng được giao cho nhiều hơn một nhóm. Phần này mô tả các lệnh và các tiện ích và các nhiệm vụ liên quan để bổ sung, sửa đổi, và loại bỏ các tài khoản nhóm trên mỗi hệ thống điều hành. | User and Group Account Administration Group Accounts Group Accounts Group accounts offer a means of sharing system resources among certain users and restricting them from others. It is possible even necessary for some users to be assigned to more than one group. This section describes the commands and utilities and the tasks involved for adding modifying and removing group accounts on each operating system. The group account nobody differs between both operating systems. Under HP-UX this account cannot own any files under Tru64 UNIX the nobody user account can own files. Group Identifiers It is important to note that there are discrepancies between the operating systems in the assignment of group identifiers GIDs to group accounts. Table 15-3 Default Group Identifiers Group ID HP-UX Tru64 UNIX Group ID HP-UX Tru64 UNIX 0 root system 15 not assigned users 1 other daemon 16 not assigned sysadmin 2 bin uucp 17 not assigned tape 3 sys mem kmem 18 not assigned tcb 4 adm bin 19 not assigned adm 5 daemon sec 20 users operator 6 mail mail 7 lp terminal tty 101 smbnull not assigned 8 not assigned news 102 cd write not assigned 9 not assigned opr 10 tty not assigned 11 nuucp auth 60001 not assigned nobodyV 12 not assigned lp lpr 65534 not assigned nobody 13 not assigned backup 14 not assigned cron -2 nogroup not assigned 21 not assigned ris Commands and Utilities The User and Group Accounts portion of the HP-UX SAM utility and the Tru64 UNIX SysMan Account Management utility both offer a graphical user interface for adding modifying and deleting group accounts. Also both operating systems offer the groupadd groupmod and groupdel commands. Chapter 15 325 User and Group Account Administration Group Accounts SAM The HP-UX System Administration Manager provides a graphical user interface that enables you to add modify and delete group accounts. This is the preferred method of performing these tasks. The following illustrates the SAM Group Accounts dialog box. This chapter .