Ô nhiễm asen trong nước ngầm chủ yếu ảnh hưởng đến phần lớn của đồng bằng GangaBrahmaputra ở Tây Bengal và Bangladesh, cũng như, các bộ phận của phần lowermiddle hẹp cố hữu của vùng đồng bằng ngập lũ Gangetic. Asen hấp thụ sắt oxit ngậm nước (HFO) được ưu tiên bọt chứa nhiều thành phần hữu cơ trầm tích Holocene thuộc về trung châu và ít thường xuyên trong vùng đồng bằng ngập lũ của nó. Nặng giảm điều kiện phát triển sau đó huy động asen nước ngầm chủ yếu là trong lĩnh vực thuộc về trung châu | Natural Arsenic in Groundwater Occurrence Remediation and Management -Bundschuh Bhattacharya and Chandrasekharam eds 2005 Taylor Francis Group London ISBN 04 1536 700 X Genesis of arsenic contamination of groundwater in alluvial Gangetic aquifer in India . Acharyya . Shah Department of Geological Sciences Jadavpur University Kolkata India ABSTRACT Arsenic pollution in groundwater mainly affects major parts of the Ganga-Brahmaputra delta in West Bengal and Bangladesh as well as parts of narrow entrenched lower-middle sections of the Gangetic floodplains. Arsenic adsorbed on hydrated ferric oxides HFO was preferentially entrapped in organic rich deltaic Holocene sediments and less frequently in its floodplains. Severe reducing condition that developed later mobilized arsenic to groundwater mainly in the deltaic domain. The sediment cover on the Pleistocene uplands in the Bengal Basin and the interfluve Ganga plain are free of arsenic problem. Arsenic is mobilized to groundwater by bio-mediated reductive dissolution of HFO. Strong reducing nature of groundwater in the Bengal Basin and parts of affected flood plains is shown by high concentration of iron 9-36 mg L which is generally low 1 mg L in the Ganga alluvial plain upstream of the Bengal Basin indicating that groundwater is not adequately reducing in nature to mobilize arsenic. 1 INTRODUCTION Arsenic contamination of groundwater affects extensive low-lying deltaic areas in the Bengal Basin located mainly to the east of Bhagirathi river in West Bengal India and Bangladesh and parts of narrow entrenched middle Ganga floodplain in parts of Bihar Jharkhand and eastern Uttar Pradesh UP Fig. 1 . The upper permissible limit of arsenic in potable water is set at 50 I g L in Figure 1. Map showing Quaternary basins in northern parts of the Indian subcontinent. 1. Ganga Alluvial Plain. 2. Bengal Basin. Abbreviated localities A - Allahabad BX - Bauxar C - Chhapra B - Balia P - Patna BG - Bhagalpur. 17 Copyright 2005 .