tailieunhanh - Destination Marketing Part 5

Tham khảo tài liệu 'destination marketing part 5', ngoại ngữ, anh ngữ phổ thông phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | Destination Marketing Supporting Material . Any reference in the proposal relating to this material must be specified. All information contained in this RFP and all other information supplied by or onbehalf of Tourism New Zealand to proposerswill betreated as confidential and moy onlybe used for the purpose of preparing a proposal. This document and any napur jeeoduced withoe w Ttiael aaa aovarw 11 remain th eja rdp ertoof douribm Now Ze alendon dmurtbereturne dtoi1 upon request. Tourium New ialaitdehall bdeit1ithartb eeny on ah rtatementeenrl representaboosmo bytììh poposeom reezoneuto toepnP orsube eqribnt enquiribSdd anrrrepondence whether such statements or representations are given iaia iN trbr oratty. All infonmbpon rdlbNtttedbyproueuona m tìseừpropasalstììa1 bte regardedrr aonfialenba1 innatute muse Iseclerriy mandedtCdmmere1all InConfta en eb Wbbld Itoe tb remM poposesstoa. Uhadt die provisÌOTia là tne Offioial ltformat ol1ArTToLltiumn1lw Zealend moy be obligo dtodtednee certain information if a request for information is made puruabnr do Ae hTouriszNew Zea lardo endeavouat 0 0. 1 requests torekne infoemabon torn merciullb r NÍ Z bL bito guarantee fe givgntoatrufusnito trreauasucU informabon whl op1 do siicw ssNÌÌ1 rhb1lernled. All prbpbbors arenequlred toocknowZ0gs in thmipnpueals bhat teey accept fhe terne and eon dhktna ar1 forth nth s bnstion 11 .Piuopords which ten to pve souhacknowledgement may be rejected by Tourism New ZealAnd. Appendix 1 A framework rrtneo and motivations for understanding the long-haul travel market Introduction Ask atravvhernbout their long-haul travel experience that is when they ve travelled more than six hours by air to reach their destination and they ll often say this type of travel provides some of their most enjoyable and sigeibcant 1tteexprtttures. New Zealelld spiacll mtìib wurid msabawe ara a . - hau n getiltation for thousbhde aw p oplh eoeryheor. Sollbw canwe hod bLawlaerh eewe re providmd