tailieunhanh - Unjustified Enrichment: Key Issues in Comparative Part 1

Trong những năm gần đây làm giàu không chính đáng đã được một trong các lĩnh vực trí tuệ quan trọng nhất của pháp luật tư nhân. Có, tuy nhiên, vẫn không có sự nhất trí giữa các pháp luật dân sự và hệ thống pháp luật pháp luật chung về việc làm thế nào để cơ cấu chi nhánh quan trọng của pháp luật nghĩa vụ này. | The Comparative Law of Unjustified Enrichment David Johnston and Reinhard Zimmermann Ifhricliimeni CAMBRIDGE CAMBRIDGE more information - 0521808200 This page intentionally left blank Unjustified Enrichment Key Issues in Comparative Perspective In recent years unjustified enrichment has been one of the most intellectually vital areas of private law. There ss however still no unanimity among ltw tincl commonTaw legal systemt bOout how to structure this important branch of the law of obligations. Several key issues aee coniidei ed compal arively here inclddigg grondds for recovery of eni ichmens doe ences third-patty 6000 110 1. as wen as proprietary and fi r mk quesrions. Two contribsshois deal wíth each topic one a representative of a common-law system the other a representative of a civil-law or mixed system. This approach illuminates not just similarities or differences between systems but also what different systems can learn from one another. In an area of law whose territoryis still partiallyuncharted and whose borders are contested such comparative perspectives will be valuable for both academic analysis of the law and its development by the courts. david JOHNSTON is an advocate and Honorary Pl oressor o f Law University o f Edínburgh. HÍS pslblicarions índude Roman Law in Context 1999 and Prescription and Limitation 1999 . REINHARD ZIMMERMANN is Professor of Private Law Roman Law and Comparative Legal History at he UniverrSty of RrgensOurg. His publications include The Law of Obligations Roman Foundations of the Civilian Tradition 1990 paperback edition 1996 and Roman Law Contemporary aaw Uurnpnm aaw Thee Civilian Tradition Today 2001