tailieunhanh - THE HEALTH OF NATIONS Part 7
Sự phát triển của Liên minh châu Âu đã được cấu trúc trên cơ sở của một loạt các tập hợp kinh tế (liên minh thuế quan, thị trường chung, thị trường duy nhất, công đoàn kinh tế và tiền tệ) được điều trị như paratheses hypostatic và đã được hợp pháp chất thực thi, và được đi kèmbởi một số hệ thống pháp luật hiến pháp và paratheses liên quan đến dân chủ tự do. | the concept of EUROPEAN union 259 The macro-micro fault-line The development of the European Union has been structured on the basis of a series f e ecniiomic aggregates customs nninn commnn market single market eeonomie and monetary union which were treated as hypostatic paratheses and were given legally enforeeable substance and which were aeeompanied by some of the lega 1 - co nstituti o n a 1 systems and paratheses assoeiated with liberal demoeraey. The assumption was that a eoherent soeiety at the European level would eonstitute itself S ctío a ly as it was snid - that is to say as a nauural by-poouuct or side-effeet as it were of the eeonomie eonstitution. Unfortunately the negating and the surpassing of the Keynarion sevoSurion ond the reassertion of the micro-economic touus were more Ol less contempy-raneous with the founding of the European And the new fauns of toe cconomie conststution ad advanced capitalist syci-eties has proved to be part of a sodisal OsontOormation tf the polit-ieal and eeonomie eonstituting of those toricrias. Libosal demoosaay and eapitalism were mutually dependent systems of idaas whifh wo-e sueeessful in managing the vast and turbulent flows of energy assoei-ated with industrialisation and urbanisation in one European eountry after another. Demoeratie systems made possible the great volume of law and administration required by eapitalism. Capitalism made possible an inerease in the aggregate wealth of a naUon whifh was aapa-ble of being dísOribu-ed unequafly among the newiy eofsonfhisod cit-izens workers eonsumers. Post-demoeraey is also a post-eapitalism a eounter-evolutionary absolutism 56 an integrating of the poHtíaal and eeonomie orders under a system of pragmatĨC ratíonaiístic manageria 1 oligarehie hegemony in whieh law and poliey are negotiated outside 55 M. FrisOmco s Ths O-mcoO for money soms thsorsticcl cod smpiriccl results was pub-lish-o in 1959 67 Journal of PoliticalEconomy 1959 327-51 rspubliihsO
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