tailieunhanh - HP-UX/Tru64 UNIX System Administration Interoperability phần 3

Tru64 UNIX tính năng tiện ích Tạo Ảnh chụp Dump, cho phép bạn thực hiện một bãi chứa vụ tai nạn trong thời gian chạy. Sử dụng các thủ tục sau đây để tạo ra một ảnh chụp bãi chứa của một hệ thống Tru64 UNIX: | Crash Dumps Runtime Crash Dumps Runtime Crash Dumps Tru64 UNIX features the Create Dump Snapshot utility which enables you to perform a crash dump during runtime. Use the following procedure to create a dump snapshot of a Tru64 UNIX system 1. Log in as superuser root . 2. Invoke the SysMan Menu. 3. Select Support and Services. 4. Select Create Dump Snapshot. The Create Dump Snapshot window opens. 5. Select either the Partial or Full radio button depending on the type of dump you want. 6. Optionally select the Enable Compression check box and use the slider to specify the Compression ratio. Chapter 4 73 Crash Dumps Runtime Crash Dumps 7. Optionally select the Disable Suppression and Ignore insufficient space warning options. 8. Specify the directory where the dump will be stored. 9. Select Update MB to determine the amount of disk space is available. 10. Select OK. The Create Dump Snapshot window closes. 74 Chapter 4 Crash Dumps Commands and Utilities Commands and Utilities The HP-UX and Tru64 UNIX operating systems use a variety of commands and utilities to configure save and analyze crash dumps. The Configure System Dump utility Tru64 UNIX The Configure System Dump utility to configure the generic system configuration variables associated with the savecore command. Use the Configure System Dump utility to Disable or enable crash dumps Choose to save either a partial or full crash dump Disable or enable compression of the dump file Choose whether the crash dump will be saved to memory disk or both Enable or disable the use of paged data which is exempted from the crash dump by default Selecting Support and Services- Configure Dump in the SysMan Menu opens the Configure System Dump main window. The crashconf command HP-UX The crashconf command displays and or changes the current system crash dump configuration. The crash dump configuration consists of three lists The crash dump device list which identifies all devices that can be used to store a crash dump. The .