tailieunhanh - Automating Linux and Unix System Administration phần 4
Mãn tính suy tĩnh mạch là một tình trạng rất phổ biến, với khoảng 27% dân số trưởng thành ở Hoa Kỳ bị ảnh hưởng bởi một số hình thức của bệnh tĩnh mạch cực thấp. Khoảng 25 triệu người Mỹ có giãn tĩnh mạch khác nhau mức độ nghiêm trọng, bị bệnh tiên tiến nghiêm trọng, trong 2-6 | CHAPTER 6 SETTING UP AUTOMATED INSTALLATION 119 ignore RCS svn administrative stuff will be ignored in all copies RCS .svn processes any cfexecd restart cf_base_path cfexecd cfservd restart cf_base_path cfservd cfenvd restart cf_base_path cfenvd links redhat solaris solarisx86 var cfengine bin cfagent - cf_base_path cfagent debian already sets up a symlink from var lib cfengine2 bin to usr bin so no changes required on that platform copy Everything in var cfengine masterfiles inputs on the master _and_ everything in its subdirectories is copied to every host. master_cfinput dest workdir inputs r inf mode 700 type binary exclude exclude exclude v purge true server policyhost trustkey true encrypt true You ve seen this file before we re simply getting it into place without using this time. The convenience of FAI s fcopy command makes unnecessary here. 120 CHAPTER 6 SETTING UP AUTOMATED INSTALLATION Finally we had to override an error from the postfix installation involving a missing root alias. In the file srv fai config hooks we changed myignorepatterns XXXXX to myignorepatterns etc aliases exists but does not have a root alias This change allows the host to fully install without having to stop for this error. Installing Your First Debian Host Now we re ready to boot our host etchlamp. We need to start a PXE boot on the host itself which normally involves hitting the proper key on the keyboard during boot. We don t recommend setting the BIOS on your host to boot using PXE by default at least not at a higher preference than booting from the hard disk. The last thing you want is an accidental reinstallation the next time you reboot the host If you really prefer to boot from PXE as the first option you can always remove the entry for the host s MAC address in after successful installation. You know that PXE boot is working when you see initial output like this this output comes from the FAI Guide we .
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